SQL Terms You Should Know Before You Start Database Testing

SQL Terms You Should Know Before You Start Database Testing


1 min read

To reach the limits of a good SQL Database Tester, one should have a profound knowledge of the SQL basics. The entry-level knowledge will provide you with a basic and clear understanding of the queries that we are going to use in our day-to-day SQL database manual testing scenario.

So, let's start with some basic terms that should be known before learning SQL Database Testing.

SQL Terms:


A database is a storage system that has a collection of data/ information. The abbreviation used for the Database is DB.

Relational Database:

Relational DB stores the data in the form of a Table that can be easily retrieved, updated, or managed. You can organize data in the Table using columns, rows, and indexes to make it easier to find the relevant information.

Read More: SQL Terms You Should Know Before You Start Database Testing